Fundraising and Donations
We rely on the support of the local community and friends of our group to help us develop and maintain excellent equipment and facilities so that we can continue to provide amazing opportunities to our youth members.
Every year our Committee do an amazing job arranging our key annual fundraiser, the sale of hundreds of Christmas trees. We also enable youth members to raise funds for the group and for their camping adventures through Scouts Victoria raffles ticket sales, chocolate drives and sausage sizzles.
All parents are expected to assist with the group fundraising activities including Christmas tree sales and Sausage Sizzles.
Ways to Passively Contribute
Allocating us on Ritchies IGA Community Benefits Program
Donating below
We are always looking for more assistance with our fundraising. All help is gratefully accepted, even if you can only join in with one of our fundraising events. We realise that time is something we all have in limited amounts, so the more parents we have on board helping, the easier it all becomes. Everyone has something to offer, all are welcome!
If you would like to help us by making a donation, please arrange payment to our group account:
Account: Baden Powell Park Scout Group
BSB: 633 000
Account no: 160 159 760
If you would like a receipt please send an email to
Thank you very much for your support.