Get in touch
Contact us
Use this form to send us an email.
Alternatively, you can send your email to gl@bpp.org.au
If you’re interested in Joining, your child can try out Scouting for three nights without obligation.
You will need to complete a form and provide medical details for the first meeting. This provides immediate insurance cover through Scouts Australia.
Once the try-out period has been completed, assuming your child has enjoyed the experience and wants to become a member, we will complete the registration process.
Leaders Contact Information
Joeys - Age 5 to 7
Lisa Ireland
Email: joeys@bpp.org.au
Cubs - Age 7 to 10
Mondays - Warington:
Giles Willoughby
Email: warington@bpp.org.au
Tuesdays - Thorpe:
Narelle Hartshorn
Email: thorpe@bpp.org.au
Scouts - Age 10 to 14
Wednesdays - Hunters:
Murray Kennedy
Email: explorers@bpp.org.au
Thursdays - Hunters:
Donna Smith
Email: hunters@bpp.org.au
Our Group Committee Members
Ginevra Hosking (Treasurer)
Chrissy Robertson (Humphries Rd Hall Hire)
Marissa Meyers (Beach Hall Hire)
Cameron Whillas
Melinda Gustus (Green Group)
Sam Ford - (Committee Chair)
Kelly Hodson - (Fundraising)
Robyn Nurney
Got ideas for how we could improve our website?
Please e-mail us with any suggestions you have for how we could possibly improve our website - gl@bpp.org.au