Scouting —
Anybody can do it!
What does Scouting involve?
Every section at BPP offers an extensive Scouting, recreational and social program especially developed by our leaders to suit the age levels.
There is always with a major emphasis on fun, learning and physical activity. Each level is designed to prepare the youth member to progress onto the next section.
Activities you could enjoy during the year include…
Camping — including adventurous obstacle courses, flying foxes, ropes courses, water slides and more.
Hiking — Both the bushwalking variety and using bikes.
Motor boating
Snow skiing
Water skiing
Rock climbing and abseiling
Rogaining and geo-caching
Urban Camps
Pioneering construction

The Scout Promise
On my honour
I promise to do my best
To be true to my spiritual beliefs
To contribute to my community and our world
To help other people
And to the live by the Scout Law
The Scout Law
Be respectful
Do what is right
Believe in myself
Major events
Many of our Scouts attend the Australian Jamboree which is held every three years. Similar events are held for all other levels of Scouting to provide all members with fantastic opportunities to experience new activities and make new friends.
There are also international opportunities to enable our youth to expand their horizons even further.
An exciting and valuable learning experience
Scouting provides a structured, self-paced learning environment. Our program is designed by our youth members, supported by our leaders, to enable all children to achieve the highest level in each section.
The peak awards that can be achieved as your child progresses through our group include the Queen's Scout Award for Venturers, the Australian Scout Award for Scouts, the Grey Wolf Award for Cub Scouts and the Joey Scout Challenge Award for Joey Scouts.
We expect all parents to become involved
Scouting is a family activity. Parents are expected to help out regularly, e.g. driving to activities and camps, working bees and cleaning up when needed. You may be able to share a skill or hobby with the children.
We also need help in areas such as maintenance of our equipment, buildings maintenance, our green group environment projects, our water activities team and our committee.
All parents are expected to assist with the group fundraising activities including Christmas tree sales and Sausage Sizzles.
What is the cost?
There is a $50 joining fee which covers the costs of the group scarf, woggle and badges.
The fees are $120 per term excluding term 1 which is $285 (covers purely insurance and associated costs). This includes over 40 weeks per year of quality activities including all equipment and full insurance cover.
There are additional costs for special activities, such as excursions and camps.
You will need to purchase a uniform shirt which costs $37 for Joeys, Cubs and Scouts and the Venturers button up version is $47.
You can buy these online at www.thescoutshop.com.au or at:
"Vast Outdoors" 880 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin.
Phone 03 9555 7811"Snowgum Factory Outlet" 1702 Dandenong Road, Oakleigh East.
Phone 9540 0895