About the Australian Jamboree 1935 — Frankston, Victoria
The 1st Australian Pan-Pacific Jamboree was held in Frankston (Victoria, Australia) between 27th December, 1934 and 13th January, 1935. This Jamboree was the first international gathering of Scouts outside Europe and the only Australian Jamboree attended by Lord Baden-Powell.
The site chosen, 280 acres south of Frankston, offered heathland, wooded hills and gullies, undulating terrain and ready access to the beach. Its elevated position provided panoramic views of the sea and mountains. Although relatively unspoilt, Frankston - with a population of 3,000 - was only 42 km south east of Melbourne.
The location was ideal, and so, this small town hosted the biggest event of its history. For the duration of the Jamboree, it was home to about 12,000 Scouts. By the conclusion of New Year's Day 62,000 visitors had passed through the gates. In addition, many thousands of invited guests - together with 12,000 Cubs, Guides and Brownies - had shared this unique experience.
This event, which was granted in acknowledgment of Melbourne's centenary was "not only one of the most successful, but one of the most inspiring of all Centenary celebrations." (The Jamboree in Australia).
The Badge
The Jamboree Badge was designed by Levi Molineux, Scoutmaster for the 11th Hawthorn Troop. The kangaroo and the boomerang are both Australian icons.
The kangaroo, which can only move forward, symbolises progression in life.
The boomerang, when thrown, circles, gains momentum and comes back to the thrower. The World Chief perceived that friendship given out to others is returned in a similar manner.
Who and Where
The Frankston Jamboree was attended by Scouts from all Australian states and the territories, together with Scouts from Belgium, Canada, Ceylon, England, Fiji, France, Holland - East Indies, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Java, Japan, Malaya, Nauru, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, United States of America, and Wales.
The Jamboree camp was divided into five sub-camps. Overseas contingents were distributed over all sub-camps. Each of the five was divided into various contingents and large parties were broken into smaller groups.
On the map of the camp site, sub-camps are distinguished by the use of the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Contingent camps are marked alphabetically, and from the key it is possible to pick out on the map the camping place of any party.
Other features of the camp are indicated distinctly on the map.
Here is the key to contingents:
No.1 Sub-Camp - The Forrest Camp
Colour - Red
Sub-Camp Chief - Dr. F. LOVEGROVE (Chief Commissioner, Western Australia).
Overseas - U.S.A., Java, Fiji and Nauru, Malaya. Interstate - New South Wales, West Australia. Victorian Counties - Sunraysia, Ballarat, Campaspe, North Eastern, Avoca and Loddon. Victorian Districts - Footscray and Williamstown, Melbourne and Abbotsford, Brighton, Toorak, Garden Vale, Richmond, Lone Scouts.
Sites: 1A - Melbourne and Abbotsford, 1B - Ballarat, 1C - Footscray and Williamstown, 1D - New South Wales, 1E - Malaya, 1F - Campaspe, 1G - Brighton, 1H - Garden Vale, 1J - Western Australia, 1K - North Eastern, 1L - Java, 1M - Sunraysia, 1N - Fiji and Nauru, 1O - Lone Scouts, 1P - Avoca and Loddon, 1Q - U.S.A., 1R - Richmond, 1S - Toorak.
No.2 Sub-Camp - The Wentworth Camp
Colour - Blue
Sub-Camp Chief - Col. J. M. MAUGHAN (Chief Commissioner, New South Wales).
Overseas - France, Hong Kong. Interstate - New South Wales, South Australia. Victorian Counties - Kara Gladstone, Central Goulburn, Goulburn Valley, Grampians, Wimmera, Yarriambiac, Murray Valley. Victorian Districts - Camberwell, Kew, Hawthorn.
Sites: 2A - New South Wales, 2B - Camberwell, 2C - Murray Valley, 2D - Hong Kong, 2E - Kew, 2F - Central Goulburn, 2G - Goulburn Valley, 2H - Hawthorn, 2J - France, 2K - Kara Gladstone, 2L - Yarriambiac, 2M - Grampians, 2N - Free, 2O - Wimmera, 2P - South Australia.
No.3 Sub-Camp - The Hindmarsh Camp
Colour - White
Sub-Camp Chief - Dr. C. T. MADIGAN (Chief Commissioner, South Australia).
Overseas - Ceylon. Interstate - New South Wales, South Australia. Victorian Counties - Bendigo, Swan Hill, Yarra Valley, Kerang. Victorian Districts - Heidelberg, Oakleigh, Prahran, Sandringham, Brunswick, Essendon and Flemington.
Sites: 3A - Essendon and Flemington, 3B - Yarra Valley, 3D - Ceylon, 3E - Bendigo, 3F - Sandringham, 3G - South Australia, 3H - Prahran, 3J - Swan Hill, 3K - Kerang, 3L - New South Wales, 3M - Oakleigh, 3N - Heidelberg, 3O - Brunswick.
No.4 Sub-Camp - The Tasman Camp
Colour - Maroon
Sub-Camp Chief - S. W. STEANE, Esq., B.A. (Chief Commissioner, Tasmania).
Overseas - India, Hungary, United Kingdom. Interstate - New South Wales, Tasmania. Victorian Counties - Mornington, McMillan. Victorian Districts - Malvern, Northcote, Preston, Albert Park, Coburg, 9th Malvern.
Sites: 4A - New South Wales, 4B - Coburg, 4C - Northcote and Preston, 4D - Albert Park, 4E - Mornington, 4F - Free, 4G - United Kingdom, 4H - Gippsland, 4J - Hungary, 4K -9th Malvern, 4L - Malvern, 4M - Tasmania, 4N - India and Ceylon.
No.5 Sub-Camp - The Hume Camp
Colour - Green
Sub-Camp Chief - C. S. SNOW, Esq., Silver Wolf (Chief Commissioner, Queensland).
Overseas - Japan, New Zealand. Interstate - New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia. Victorian Counties - Nunawading, Wannon, Geelong, South Western, Emu, Colac. Victorian Districts - Caulfield, St. Kilda, Mordialloc.
Sites: 5A - Nunawading, 5B - St. Kilda, 5C - Free, 5D - Japan, 5E - Queensland, 5F - New Zealand, 5G - Mordialloc, 5H - New South Wales, 5J - Caulfield, 5K - Geelong, 5L - South Western, 5M - Emu, 5N - Colac, 5O - Free, 5P - Wannon, 5Q - Free, 5R - South Australia.
Beach Activities
The Jamboree site offered ready access to Frankston beach via Liddesdale Avenue. An area of the foreshore, south of the Fernery (now the Caltex garage), was roped off for the use of Jamboree participants.
Scouts went to and from the beach under the care of a Scouter. A sturdy tower, made of saplings, was manned during swimming hours. The beach committee - distinctive in their white costumes - were responsible for this task.
Hessian dressing sheds were provided on the beach. Regulation costume was obligatory and trunks alone were not permitted.
A large number of Scouts attended the swimming and beach games which took place on the afternoon of Thursday, 3rd January. This event was competitive between sub-camps. The games included canoe racing, pillow fights on the greasy pole, relay races and tugs-of-war on the sand.
The beach carnival (finals of the beach games) scheduled for Saturday, 5th January, was abandoned due to heavy seas and a strong south-westerly gale.
Excursions - 7th to 10th January
Those Scouts who remained at Frankston after the completion of the formal proceedings were eligible to take part in a variety of excursions. These included - on a daily basis - a yacht trip from Frankston, a tour to Phillip Island and an extensive range of factory visits. In addition, a variety of trips operated in and around Melbourne. Excursions were also available to Dandenong, Ballarat, the Crib Point Naval Base and the State Electricity Commission's works at Yallourn.
On New Year's Eve, a short-wave broadcast was organised by the Australian Broadcasting Commission. Plans for this event were kept secret. While most Scouts were intent on breakfast, those involved made their way to the display arena.
Soon, a medley of International sounds rent the high empty stands. The program was broadcast to Europe, India, New Zealand and many other countries, as well as to all parts of Australia.
A second broadcast took place on Friday morning, January 4th. It was made from the microphone in the main arena. Members of overseas contingents took part in this event. The broadcast was relayed through all national stations in the Commonwealth by the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and transmitted on the short wave throughout the world.
On most evenings "talkie" pictures were screened at the outdoor theatre. It was located in the hollow between the arena and Overport Road - to the North of the playing field.
The equipment and an operator were provided by the Shell Company. Films were provided by Efftee, British Dominions, British Empire, Universal, Commonwealth Films and Warner Bros.
"The Mayor of Hell" and "Wild Boys of the Road" (Warner Bros.) were amongst those shown.
The Hikes
At the conclusion of the Frankston activities more than 600 Scouts took part in the hikes program. The older boys started on January 6th from 25 different points; the 14 and 15 year old Scouts were restricted to a two day walk; but all 37 hikes ended at Gilwell Park (Gembrook) on January 10th. Each group had its own itinerary but all were based in the rugged hills and forests around Gembrook.
The hike area (2,000 square miles) included a wide variety of scenery: majestic mountains with panoramic views; glorious fern and beech gullies with water falls and cascades; and tall timbers which offered shaded tracks through the forest.
The hikes were coordinated from a base at Powelltown. The following excerpt was reported by The Age.
"Within a mile of Powelltown there is a small encampment on the fringe of the forest, in the centre of a cluster of tents is a rustic structure lined with maps. It is the control room, where the Rover in charge is kept informed of the movements and needs of each hike party. Under his control are six foot-runners, two speed cars and three motor cycles. At some points in the hike area there is the telephone, and each hike leader must communicate at least once daily with the control room. But telephones in this vast forest and hill country are very rare, hence the foot-runners and the motor and cycle patrols. All these Rovers are expert bushmen, and the runners go out alone for five-hour stretches at nightfall to check up with their four troops of hikers spread over an area of from ten to fifteen miles. They receive the day's report from the hike leaders and collect any letters which the Scouts may have written during the midday spell"
The hike activities had been preceded by lengthy preparations: the training of hike leaders, the improvement of maps, the establishment of routes and campsites, the creation of communication patrols, and the setting up of emergency services.
This Rover led initiative had been assisted by many organisations and citizens, and in particular, the Melbourne Walking Club.
Official Opening
2.45 pm, Saturday, 29th December, 1934 (Display Arena)
The following is adapted from The Jamboree Daily, 31st December, 1934.
Before a gathering of 12,000 people, including many of Australia's most distinguished citizens, and in the presence of the Chief Scout of the World (Lord Baden-Powell), the Australian Jamboree was opened on Saturday by the Governor General of Australia (Sir Isaac Isaacs). It was a stirring occasion as will live forever in the memory of all who were privileged to take part.
The scene from the Vice-Regal stand was unforgettable. The long amphitheatre itself made a romantic setting. The crowd on the hillsides gave a background of vivid colouring. Beyond that again, to the left, was a sweep of blue sea mellowed by a fringe of sandy beach and green foliage toning in with a faint haze. A cool breeze, fleecy white clouds, brilliant sunshine and freshness after the early morning rain set the scene. There was no noise, no confusion, and save the busy Rovers showing visitors to their seats, there were no Scouts in sight except the 9th Malvern Troop grouped in a horseshoe formation round the flag-pole.
To the minute the Governor-General arrived; the Troop at the flag stiffened to the alert; the flag floated free, and the National Anthem sounded.
For a moment or two there was a dead silence. Then the band struck up the march, and, from over the hill to the east, there arose a forest of flags. In tune with the music and stepping along proudly, the bearers of the flags of all the Nations entered the arena.
The effect was electrical. People rose in their seats and cheered. The feeling grew as the standard-bearers encircled the arena, and marching straight towards His Excellency, wheeled left and right to mass on either side of him.
Then came the Scouts. They bore themselves proudly as their Countries' emissaries. Foreign Scouts came first, and, as rank upon rank, country after country, they stepped by. Colour and beauty the scene held in plenty, but sentiment truly transfigured it. Inter-State, Lones, Victorian Counties, and Metropolitan contingents followed in endless array until the whole arena was filled. They stood as a living monument before the World Chief's eyes, of his world-work towards peace and goodwill.
For over an hour, the Governor-General took the salute as Scouts of the nations marched by. He read messages from His Majesty the King and from His Excellency the Governor-General of South Africa, and then gave his opening address.
For over an hour, the Governor-General took the salute as Scouts of the nations marched by. He read messages from His Majesty the King and from His Excellency the Governor-General of South Africa, and then gave his opening address.
Lord Baden-Powell responded to the opening address and commanded the Scouts to put "hats on staves" to thank His Majesty the King and Sir Isaac Isaacs. Then they left as marvelously as they had come. "Left turn! Quick march!" came the order. And the whole arena, with massed flags on the far edge, moved silently, smoothly, over the hill and out of sight again. It was not a march in the ordinary sense; it was a vision.
Wolf Cub and Brownie Parade
2.30 pm, Monday, 31st December, 1934 (Display Arena)
The following is adapted from The Jamboree Daily, 1st January, 1935.
Amidst blue sky and sparkling seas, 15,000 spectators witness the Cubs and Brownies pageant. On this special day 3,000 Cubs and 1000 Brownies were to pay respect to their Chiefs. And the great arena would be filled with one colourful scene after another in a glorious spectacle of vivid sequences. Always in motion and always joyous.
1st Frankston Brownies on their way to the parade.
Colour parties and several hundred Scouts accompanied the Vice-Regal procession into the arena, as the New South Wales Sea Scouts - the last word in smartness - broke the flag. When the great body of Scouts had been drawn up around the outskirts of the arena, the great green stage was set under a brilliant sky, and down the verdant hillside tripped dancing bands of fairy-like figures.
They were the Toadstools, represented by hundreds of Brownies and as they passed the saluting base, skipping along, they waved and smiled gaily to the Chiefs above. It was a pretty departure from the usual saluting custom.
They were followed by the Cubmasters, and a seemingly endless stream of lively Cubs. They passed down the hill at a trot as the band played a fast tune, and they were for all the world a colourful, turbulent stream.
The Cubs assembled in two huge circles to give their joyous Grand Howl. The Toadstool Brownies scarlet hats formed the letters LAH (Lend a Hand - the Brownies' motto).
And so, the stage was set for the Governor, Lord Huntingfield who gave the address. The World Chief Scout and The World Chief Guide responded.
Once the arena was cleared of its thousands, and to a lively little jig, five hundred metropolitan Brownies skipped into view to take up positions in a pretty picture, delightful in its colouring of orange, blue, saffron and green. Their song was "Busy Little Brownies We".\
As the Cubs from Hawthorn, Kew, Malvern and Prahran districts staged a spectacular display of figure marching, the Brownies prepared for their next event, "Fairy Ring and Grand Salute". At a bugle blast, Cubs ran yelling from the ground. Their positions were taken up by the Brownies. From radiated points on the arena they danced to the centre along lines to form their Golden Brownie emblem, while they gave their Brownie call.
It was moving to watch the Chief Scout break into a little dance as he waved delightedly to the Brownies as they filed past him on their way out.
Fantastic and spectacular, the Cubs' main pageant, "Toy Time", was something to be remembered.
400 Cubs in red entered the arena. They formed the brick walls of the shoe-house. 200 Cubs in night attire follow. They were being chased into bed by the Old Woman; she had punished them for their pillow-fighting on Christmas Eve by taking away their Christmas stocking. They went to sleep, to dream.
Drawn by his jingling reindeer sleigh, Santa Claus entered the scene. He was followed by 1200 toymaker-gnomes. A halt was made at the chimney, where they sang the toymakers' song. Eight circles were formed outside the shoe, and into them the toys were grouped, each acting their part. Meanwhile Santa Claus allowed the shoe-house children to select a toy. As they sang their thanks, the Old Woman entered the house and protested. She was won over to the cause of toymakers by Santa Claus. The shoe-house children selected toys and, in exchange, left real toys to be given in charity. Santa and the Old Woman drove off in the sleigh, followed by the shoe-house children.
So ended the youngsters' great day.
The Rover Moot
12th-13th January, 1935
"Breathing a spirit of lofty idealism, the proceedings at the ... Rover Moot, held at the Jamboree camp were characterised by a refreshing appreciation of the obligations of man to man. This Rover Moot was the articulation of the young ideal in terms of service to others." (The Age, 13th January, 1935.)
At 3.30 p.m. on Saturday 12th January, the Rover Moot was officially opened by the World Chief. Afternoon discussions were chaired by Colonel Granville Walton, the Imperial Headquarters Commissioner for Rover Scouts.
The conference discussed the practical aspects of Scouting. Australian Rovers listened in awe to reports of social work carried out by overseas Rovers. Scouts spoke of work done in hospitals, institutions for delinquent boys, leper settlements and the slums. It became apparent that, world-wide, people appreciated the work of the movement.
In contrast to the formal discussions, the Rover Moot met at the main camp fire hollow during the evening. This event is described by The Age as being "delightfully hilarious" and the World Chief Guide, it claims, was an "entertained and entertaining participant".
Professor Sir W. Harrison Moore, speaking at the conclusion of the evening, talked about community based expectations. He said that such standards should be understood and that people should have confidence in them being upheld.
Sir Harrison Moore used the Jamboree hike as an analogy. It would have been very unsatisfactory if each hiker had been allowed to do just as he wished. Under such circumstances, the success of the event would have been doubtful. If nations in the "hike towards peace": were to do as they wished, regardless of other nations, then conflict would prevail. The League of Nations, he said, with its focal point at Geneva, endeavored to organise nations in a harmonious manner. Many nations, unfortunately, conceived the League of Nations as an organisation to further their own selfish motives.
He conveyed the belief that if such nations were part of the Scout movement, their intentions would undermine the movement's success. If the spirit of giving was instilled into the peoples of the world, then governments would be obliged to reflect their attitudes in matters of international significance.
Sir Harrison Moore suggested that peace in the world may be worked through institutions such as the Scout movement.
Sunday morning commenced with an ecumenical service. Rev. J. Danglow delivered an inspiring address in which he referred to Scouting as a shaft of light brightening the sea of life. He went on to say that Scouting stood for freedom, and that without this, the world could not be happy. The success of nations, he said, relied on the worth of the individual. Men created in the image of God lived freely and peacefully with their fellow men. That was, he said, the basic teaching of Scouting. The Movement stood for beneficent and useful action and that was what human nature required.
Sunday's program included a paper titled "The Future of a Rover", presented by Dr. T. A. Price, District Commissioner, Darling Downs, Queensland.
Proceedings were summed up by Colonel Walton and a farewell address was given by the World Chief Scout.
Lord Baden-Powell said "the work of the Rovers has been one of the reasons for the complete success of the Jamboree". The Chief Scout bade the Rovers farewell: "Go, each one of you, from here as a messenger of love and good will to others, and God speed your efforts."
Scouts' Own Thanksgiving Service
3pm, Sunday, 30th December, 1934 (Display Arena)
The following is adapted from The Jamboree Daily, 31st December, 1934.
We assembled yesterday afternoon to give thanks for our Jamboree. The sun shone. The flags of nations lifted out before a breeze. On the big hill up to the skyline and round the mounds were stretched thousands of friends come to join in triumphant hymns, humble prayers, praise.
All were assembled when a fanfare of trumpets announced the arrival of the pageant procession. As if symbolising a world-wide trust and faith, national flags came with scout flags. Then followed the dignitaries.
Immediately the last had reached their position, The State Chief Commissioner (Mr. C.A. Hoadley) stepped forward, and exhorting all to praise for the mercies of God he began the service.
The "Old Hundredth" was among the many great and famous old hymns. The lesson was from Isaiah 55, 6-13. Mr. Hoadley led a recital of the Scout Law and, with the World Chief, all present re-affirmed the Scout Promise. Then followed an address by Professor K.H. Bailey of Melbourne University and the closure of the service by the State Chief Commissioner.
General Campfire
8 pm, Sunday, 30th December, 1934 (The Main Campfire Hollow)
40,000 people, including Scouts, attended this devotional gathering. The atmosphere of this special evening was encapsulated by The Age:
"When the floodlights were put out the entire amphitheatre immediately became a dazzling semi-circle of thousands of electric torches, which were moved rhythmically to an fro as the vast throng sang famous Scout camp-fire songs"
During the course of the evening, Lord Baden-Powell read messages of greeting, including one from the Prince of Wales, who praised the development of the Association in Australia. He then went on to express his hope that members of the Movement would keep strong the sense of brotherhood between Scouts of different nations and that each would do his best to be a loyal citizen of the Empire.
The St. Paul's choir, under the direction of Dr. A. E. Floyd, "sang Christmas carols so beautifuly that the audience seemed inclined to defer their exit until they had rendered more carols. Generously they gave many encores, and shortly after 10 o'clock one of the finest, and certainly the greatest, of truly scouty camp fires came to a close."
The Great International Pageant
2.30 pm, Tuesday, 1st January, 1935 (Display Arena)
Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, the Governor and Lady Huntingfield and the Chief Commissioner of Guides, Lady Chauvel were in attendance.
January 1st was the Jamboree's biggest day. When the gates opened hundreds were waiting to enter. From then on people poured into the camp. Local buses and trains were crammed for most of the day. The stands were booked out early and there was not a vacant space in the public reserve. The Age newspaper estimates a crowd of 35,000, together with 12,000 Scouts and 8,000 Guides. On this day, the Guides and Scouts would pay tribute to their Chiefs.
Flags of the nations entered the arena amidst a storm of applause.
Then came the blue clad Guides. They marched splendidly and greeted the Chiefs in the saluting dais as they passed. The New Zealand contingent led - followed by interstate Guides and, lastly, 5,500 Victorians.
The Guides massed in front of the dais. There was no shade and the heat hung oppressively. The Chief Guide gestured to the girls: she instructed them to sit on the grass and fan themselves with hats. Nonetheless, about 200 succumbed to heat stress and fainting (The Jamboree Daily records that about 2,000 people were treated by the Rover operated first-aid station during the course of the day).
The plight of the girls was diverted by the entry of the Scouts. Line upon line of Scouts flowed onto the arena. The overseas contingents led the way. Scouts passed the saluting dais were the Chiefs took the salute. Many put "hats on staves" as a mark of respect, others cheered and smiled. The South Australians sang their state song. And so they came, contingent following contingent. Vast hordes entered the arena.
The ardour of the throng reached fever pitch; dust drowned the arena; and the blazing heat became unbearable. Urgent action was imperative: before the last 6,000 Melbourne Scouts had passed the dais, the march past was stopped.
The Chief Scout left the dais and mounted the stand to make his address. It is said that there was a burst of cheering which must have been heard far beyond Frankston.
"Scouts and Guides" said the Chief, "we have stopped the rest of the parade as it is getting pretty hot, and I am not going to detain you by making a speech. I want to wish you all a very happy New Year." He went on to say "We are here gathered together in greater numbers than has ever been the case in the world before. You boys and girls should be intent on doing your duty to your country, to your people, and to God". He then read the message from His Majesty the King, which had first been delivered by the Governor. Lord Baden-Powell then concluded his speech: "Make friends wherever you go and whenever you can; be friendly to all, and carry out the fourth Scout law. God bless you!"
When he had finished the roar of applause was deafening and a forest of hats waved on the top of staves. When the assemblage quieted, the order was given for the remaining Guides and Scouts to leave the arena. With two rows of banners flanking both sides of their ranks they left the arena and disappeared over the hill.
The Chief Guide spoke and read a message from Princess Mary, who was the Patroness of the Guides.
Farewell Gathering
Sunday, 6th January, 1935 (Main Arena)
Lord Baden-Powell had altered the arrangements set-down in the official program. He instigated, for the afternoon, a farewell gathering in the main arena. This symbolic spectacle "pulsated with idealism and spirituality" (The Age, 7th January, 1935).
In spite of the bitterly cold and wet weather, it seemed as though every one who had, in some way or another, been involved with the Jamboree took part in this great rally.
The band struck up and, amidst tumultuous cheers, the march began. Densely massed colour parties came first, followed by the Scouts. They marched in their sub-camps, not their contingents; on this occasion, they entered the arena as one united camp of twenty-one world nations. Members of the movement gathered together in the arena. And then came a change. The formation became a human wheel, six spokes converging on the hub. A guard of honour, formed by Scouts of all nations, surrounded this central dais, and at a signal, the thousands of Scouts stood at attention.
Mounting the dais, Lord Baden-Powell prepared to address the Scouts and, in response, they placed their hats on staves and thumb-sticks and cheered resoundingly. Standing at the salute and smiling, the World Chief acknowledged their greeting.
Then he articulated his enjoyment of the Jamboree. He noted, with satisfaction, that there had been a great deal of fraternisation between Scouts of different countries. Lord Baden-Powell expressed gratitude to the Scouters present and those who had worked behind the scenes to make the Jamboree a success. In mock regret, he concluded that he could not find a boy in the camp who wanted to go home!
Amidst resounding applause, the Chief Scout announced the presentation of awards. Recognition was given to those who had been instrumental in making the Jamboree a success and those who had given long service.
Silver Wolf awards were presented to G.W.S. Anderson (Camp Chief), W.D. Kennedy (publicity, programming and service to the Jamboree Daily), and O.H. Thomas (Quartermaster).
Many others received the "Silver Acorn", the "Medal of Merit" or a signed photograph of the World Chief Scout.
At the completion of presentations, Mr. G.H. Thomas, Chairman of the Federal Executive Council presented the Chief Scout with a blackwood writing table. Inscribed on a gold bar was the following message:
"From the Boy Scouts of Australia to the World Chief Scout".
After the presentation, Lord Baden-Powell left the dais and took up his position at the hub of the wheel. He held a boomerang in his hand and spoke with emotion. The import of his speech is encapsulated in the following extracts:
"You know what a boomerang is, and its actions. If you send it out it circles round, gathering strength as it goes, and returns to you with redoubled strength. That is like love and friendship. I feel that if you send out love it returns redoubled in strength. Therefore, I have a boomerang here which I want to send round to all of you, and, through you, send love to all nations of the world."
And so, Scouts in each spoke of the ‘Wheel of Friendship’ passed the boomerang from hand to hand and were asked to remember "love of God and love of thy neighbour."
During this speech there was not a sound. At its conclusion silence was very real and significant. The boomerangs passed down the rows of bowed heads. Each contingent leader received a boomerang. As the Chief left the arena there was respectful silence. " To have cheered would have been to break the spell of a grand moment in the lives of thousands of young men banded together in a wonderful brotherhood, a brotherhood made all the more sacred by this moving ceremony during the final hours of a great experience. It was the finish of the Jamboree."
Gilwell Park — Gembrook
Gilwell Park is a 160 hectare bushland property adjoining Gembrook State Forest. It is the main leader-training centre for Victoria. Now, as then, it offers Scouts quality camping.
On 10th January, 1935, those who had taken part in the Jamboree hike program, camped overnight at Gilwell. During the evening, the boys met at the Campfire Circle in the Boys' Field.
The following excerpts from The Age record the arrival of the hikers and some of the highlights of the evening's activities.
"As the various troops marched through the gates at Gilwell Park they were greeted by brother Scouts who had come in earlier, and experiences were swapped. In front of the troop hall there was a bench, where those who had participated in the hike placed their belts to be stamped with the words, Australian Jamboree hike - an original memento of a great experience. That scene on the parade ground beside the troop hall was animated and cosmopolitan - as Scouts of many nations mingled in the throng of 600, joking and story telling."
"A huge fire eight feet high burnt brightly, and the flames leapt upward and pierced the inky blackness. Round the circle of light cast by the campfire were rows of log benches. There was a babble of voices, and then at a signal, silence. Into the circle moved a figure clad in a flowing cape. It was the World Chief Scout, who, like an Indian chieftain, had come to receive messages from his braves after a great expedition."
The article concludes by reporting the speech made by the Chief toward the end of the camp fire: "I have been to a great number of Jamborees, and this one is the best I have been to. It has been a wonderful experience for all of us. But, apart altogether from the great numbers and the great rallies, the thing that stood out most encouragingly was the way in which friendships were made amongst fellows from all countries and classes."
In February 1935, several buildings were moved from the Frankston site and re-erected at Gilwell. Two of these - the hospital and Forest Hut - are still in use.
In addition, "The Jamboree Scout", a bronze statuette crafted by Paul Montford, an eminent Frankston artist, now overlooks the de Molnar training ground. This model was commissioned for the Mornington County Scouts and was on display at their sub-camp.
Site Map
Location Map
Road Map
2nd - 5th January 1935 (Display Arena)
During the afternoons, cultural and historical displays took place. The pageants, presented by the different contingents, were diverse: some serious, others hilarious and ingenious. The variety is illustrated by the following selection.
Mass formation and movement by the entire New South Wales contingent (nearly 2,000 Scouts) depicted different aspects of Scout work. Each group performed their act and then moved around the arena so that their display was presented to a different audience. This pageant included a traditional Yorkshire sword dance. Its intricate and rhythmic movements were executed magnificently. The performance ended with a spectacular mass formation.
The eleven Nauruans, in their striking lava-lavas, performed some of their native dances and songs. They clustered round their drum, chanting softly in unison until three of their number leapt out to beat time with their heels and wave their arms in a swinging rhythm. The tempo increased to a frenzy and culminated in a final joyous yell.
Northcote and Preston District acknowledged Melbourne's centenary: "Batman purchases the site of Melbourne". Pageant organisers carefully researched this event and, also, the corroboree dances of the aboriginal people. The first part of the enactment portrayed a meeting, at the corroboree ground, between Batman's party and the aborigines. The bright red scarves of the explorers were in stark contrast with the black bodies of the lithe aborigines. The second act depicted the sale of land to white man. Batman met the Chiefs and read the deed of sale. All signed. The aborigines rejoiced on receipt of their gifts.
The Indians gave a display of chekar-wheel and lathi swinging. Both Hindu and Mohammedan dances were given interspersed with singing. Lathi and sword, two lathis at once, and even swinging the lathi while standing on stilts, seemed nothing to these polished performers.
Bendigo's colourful history was portrayed in their enactment, "early mining days". The discovery of gold by prospectors and the hasty erection of shops were just the beginning. The noise, the bustle and the frequent quarrels were all faithfully reproduced. Excitement reached fever pitch with the hold-up of a Cobb and Co. coach and the subsequent pursuit of the bushrangers.
The New Zealand contingent of 200 Scouts depicted scenes from traditional Maori life - complete with broadcast commentary. The men hunted for meas and pigs; the women were involved with various crafts and "tangi" (feast) preparations. The hunters returned with their spoils and were greeted by the women. They all helped with preparations for the feast. The sudden appearance of a rival tribe illustrated another side of Maori life. War hakas took place and a tribal battle ensued. After the return of the victors more hakas and songs were enacted.
The Malayan contingent of 48 Scouts reproduced a village scene. The act centred round a "Singkeh" or newcomer. The story relayed his experiences with the local people as he rode around the village in a rickshaw. In order to present a faithful reproduction, the Malayans brought with them rickshaws, four types of hawkers' stalls, palm and bamboo huts and native costumes.
Caulfield District, as part of their act, presented a "Frankston Jamboree Steeplechase". The participants carried out the part of highly trained racehorses. The event concluded with the presentation of a gold-mounted whip to the winner.
Gippsland presented "Cavalcade of Transport". The parade commenced with aboriginal hunters, pioneers and prospectors - some on foot, some on horseback. The dray, Cobb and Co. coach, horsemen and a lady riding sidesaddle came later. Next came a daring young man on a motor-bike. A lovely lady rode in the side-car. It is hard to believe that he deliberately ejected her from the pillion seat! Finally came Colonel Cohen's Rolls Royce! (Col. Cohen was the President of the Victorian Branch of the Boy Scout's Association).
The Local Scouts
Morgington County (SUB-CAMP 4E)
Local plans for the Jamboree took place early in 1934. By August, the Mornington County Scout Council was able to release participation details for the six sub-groups attending the Jamboree:
1st Frankston - 22
2nd Frankston - 26
3rd Frankston - 20
1st Mornington - 11 & 1st Somerville - 11
1st Tyabb - 9, 1st Dromana - 8 & 1st Flinders - 6
1st Hastings - 8, 2nd Hastings - 5 & 1st Cowes - 10.
The Mornington Country campsite was chosen and laid out by J. Stevens (SM, 3rd Frankston). In establishing this camp, a high standard was set. The entrance was made of bush timber. It featured the painting of a huge seagull in flight (the county emblem). Below, an enormous boomerang spanned the arch and the words "Mornington County" were outlined in tea-tree across its length. The area was fenced and a tea-tree hedge erected. A substantial log cabin was constructed on the site. The camp's flagpole was a pine sapling, 50 feet high. Paths of red gravel were put down. A pond, with a rock fountain and a bronze statuette ("The Jamboree Scout" by Paul Montford) adorned the garden. The cultivated grounds included palms, petunias and hydrangeas.
The Frankston and Somerville Standard, 21st December, 1934, describes garden preparations as follows:
"Desperate efforts are being made to hasten the growth of plants in the garden which has been arranged in the centre of the section. One plot is in the form of a seagull in flight and another is that of the fleur-de-lis."
An extensive display of native fauna had been proposed for the site, however, accounts written during the Jamboree would suggest that this plan was not fully realised: an aviary containing budgerigars and an opossum was placed near the entrance. County exhibits were on display within thatched structures astride the entrance gate.
The County's enthusiasm was not confined to the establishment of a camp. They produced a most interesting pageant, "The Pilgrimage of Youth." The Frankston and Somerville Standard, 25th August, 1934, outlines the part to be played by the individual Troops:
Scene 1 - Prehistoric Youth: 2nd Frankston
Scene 2 - Grecian Youth: 1st & 2nd Hastings
Scene 3 - Norse Youth: 1st Somerville
Scene 4 - Medieval Youth: 1st Dromana
Scene 5 - Renaissance Youth: 1st Frankston
Scene 6 - Age of Exploration: 1st Tyabb
Scene 7 - Modern Youth: 3rd Frankston
For the local scouts, participation in Jamboree activities was in sharp contrast to the hikes which had previously taken place in this normally remote area.
What was Jamboree like?
The Jamboree at Melbourne, and after — Lord Baden-Powell
Written on the verandah of the Warden's Lodge at Gilwell Park, Gembrook after the completion of the Jamboree hikes - 11th January, 1935.
Imagine a great inland sea, with a very narrow entrance from the ocean, and low lying shores all round it, with miles and miles of shady beaches. Such is Port Phillip, in other words, Melbourne Harbour.
At the top comer of it, the narrow River Yarra flows into it, running in a circular sweep from the city of Melbourne.
As we steam slowly up it, on either hand one sees tall factory chimneys in all directions and - what is important -most of them smoking, showing that work is going on again where it had been stopped under the depression of trade three years ago. Then the towers and steeples and mighty buildings of Melbourne itself gradually loom up before us.
Through it and out past charming homes and gardens for 20 miles following the coastline we come to wooded hilly country dappled with myriads of white tents near Frankston - the camp of the 1st Australian Jamboree.
Here are gathered 11,000 scouts from all parts of Australia and from New Zealand. There are also contingents or representatives from United States of America, India, Ceylon, Java, Malaya, China, Japan, Canada, Fiji, France, Belgium and England - a grand mixture of different races, but all brothers carrying out the same Scout law.
There is a great arena which looks as though Nature had intended it for the job, a flat, circular plain surrounded by sloping hills. On these, stands have been erected for thousands of spectators, and loud-speakers have been set up so that all can hear what is going on and can listen to the speeches of the great men who come each day to review the boys and give them a word or two of cheer.
In the bush there are five camps for about 2,000 boys apiece, each District or Contingent having its own camping ground with its tents and kitchens and gadgets all complete, and its entrance gate elaborately decorated. Some camps have their tents painted with quaint designs, and some have marvellous totems carved in wood and gaily coloured.
And the boys! My word, they are a lively lot. I have never seen so many teeth in all my life as I have seen today in riding round just one of the camps. Such grins and smiles on every face! Jolly happy and cheery they all seemed; it was a joy to me to see them.
Then the Rallies in the Arena!
On one day a dense mass of 10,000 scouts was formed in the arena after they had taken nearly an hour to march past. I wondered how, if they were soldiers, the general in command would get them out of the arena again. I could picture his staff officers galloping about with orders to the different commanders, and they in turn, sending their instructions out to their different units before they could get a move on. Here, in the arena, a voice from somewhere gave the quiet order, 'left turn' - 'Quick March', and the whole mass moved off as one body, and a magnificent sight it was as it marched out over the rising ground like a huge wave of khaki!
Another day, in addition to a small body of scouts, we had a rally of some thousands of wolf cubs and brownies, dancing past or charging past the saluting point. Didn't the crowd cheer.
Then on the biggest day an endless column of 6,000 girl guides in dark blue was followed by a still more endless column of 12,000 scouts in khaki with colours flying and bands playing, all in glorious sunshine before a crowd of between 30,000 and 40,000 onlookers in the stands.
It looked as if all the scouts and guides in the world were there. I only wish they could have been, just to see the wonderful sight that it was.
And then the winding up of the Jamboree on the last day was another marvellous show. Imagine a huge cart-wheel made by thousands of scouts who formed its spokes and rim while I stood on a stand that formed the hub in the middle. Twenty-three countries were represented there, so I gave out 23 boomerangs which were passed from hand to hand down each 'spoke', so that every boy had a boomerang through his hands till it got into the hands of the leader of each contingent.
I expect you know what a boomerang is. It is a flat, curved stick about two feet long which the Aborigines of Australia use for killing birds. They throw the weapon into the air and it flies round, gathering speed as it goes, and if it misses the bird it circles round until it comes back and drops at the feet of the thrower that is, if he is a clever thrower, which am not.
The boomerang therefore is the totem sign of Australia, so I gave a boomerang to each contingent as a reminder of the Australian Jamboree. But also, I reminded all the scouts that friendship is like a boomerang; you give out your friendship to another chap and then to more and more of them and they give you their friendship in return. So your original friendship and goodwill, as it goes out to others, increases its strength and brings back this good will to you in return, just as the boomerang comes back to its thrower.
Pegi-aa Baba lassi daka Toora - that is the amazing chant that is ringing through the forest as I write this - amazing for two reasons; first, it Is an Indian song being sung by Australian, Swiss, and South African boys; and, secondly, its wording is a good-humoured, witty skit on the ways of the leader of the hike party. But it makes a good marching chorus, and the boys are moving out from their last camp of the Jamboree, homeward bound.
For myself, I am sitting, pajama-clad, on the wooden verandah of the Warden's lodge at Gilwell - not the famous Mecca of Scouting near Chingford, but its counterpart here at Gembrook, in Australia. The early morning sun has just topped the forest around us in a cloudless sky, and through the gum-trees the sweet blue smoke of many camp-fires rises as a mist. Boys' voices raised in songs and rally cries are echoing far and near as they busy themselves preparing to depart.
Yesterday, these boys had reached this woodland mountain camp by hiking 50 miles from the great central camp at Frankston - 760 of them marching in small parties by many different routes through bush and mountain country. This has been the biggest hike ever accomplished outside the Army! Did the boys enjoy it? I can say they did. In the course of the three-days' hike many - to he exact, 36 - parties sent to me, by runner or motor-cyclist, cheery letters of their progress, signed by every member of the band. These lists gave one the proof that in every group the boys were as mixed a lot as could be wished for -scarcely two of any one country together.
The leaders of the different parties sent in reports of their progress to me, and one party reported that they were 'Iking all over owing to 'Iking'. Also that when they asked a bird how far it was to the camp, the bird said, 'A quarter of a mile.' It turned out to be two miles. The bird was a lyre-bird, and rightly named.
One writer wrote, "With biscuit in hand and blister on heel," that "they may have serpents in Eden, but there are certainly leeches in 'Alia'"! A greeting came from one group of 18, each of whom wrote his message in a different language.
So there one saw, stringing through the bush, boys dressed in the same scout kit, with pack on back and staff in hand, but of different States and races, singing as they went their way. On arrival at their journey's end last night they dropped their loads and pitched their tents, and lost no time in stripping and diving into the great swimming pool. Then, after cooking their suppers in their little bivouacs in the bush beneath the great gum trees, they wrapped themselves in their blankets - to sleep? Not on your life! It was to rally round the big campfire, and again to sing.
But come with us to the campfire. As we enter the circling tiers of log seats round the blazing log fire, not a soul is there. But soon there came troops into the light of the fire, the first hiking party of a dozen or so. Group follows group in rotation, each in turn reporting arrival and rendering its war cry and then filing away to its log bench.
Community singing is followed by delightfully ridiculous play-acting, songs and choruses performed by different hike-parties.
Towards the end I congratulated the scouts on having successfully and pluckily completed the biggest hike by boys that the world had ever seen.
But above these shone out the still greater success of the good comradeship which spread itself throughout the members without regard to differences of race or religion, and thus augured well for the future, because if it could be extended and maintained it would mast assuredly form a powerful factor in the cause of peace.
After this, 'Abide with me' was sung with great feeling, with the Southern Cross gleaming overhead in a wonderful starlit sky. Then 'God Save the King' and cheers for His Majesty, stentoriously given, ended a perfect day.
Au revoir Australia, and our many good friends there.
Perceptions of a Cosmopolitan Jamboree — Charles W Floyd
A Scout from the 1st Tyabb Troop recorded his impressions of the Jamboree.
Charles W. Floyd:
Charles W. Floyd was a student at Frankston High School. He attended the Jamboree as a 13 year old Scout with the 1st Tyabb Troop. In 1935 he wrote the following article for the school paper, Kananook. It was reprinted in the school's magazine, Optima Sempler, Frankston High School, 1924-1994. In 1936 the school awarded him a prize for Citizenship. He later joined the R.A.A.F. as a trainee pilot. Charles Floyd died in an accident at Point Cook, Victoria, on 14th December, 1941, aged twenty.
Perceptions of a cosmopolitan Jamboree:
A feature of the 1935 World Scout Jamboree was the cosmopolitan nature of the assembly. To it came Scouts from all corners of the earth. Of them all, the Indians, in their picturesque uniforms - green turbans, yellow scarves and khaki shirts - attracted the most attention. Two of the 20 were princes, but, as their leader said, 'Scouting has done great things for India', and now there are no caste differences. At the entrance to their camp was a large model of an entrance to an Indian temple. Inside this was a large relief map of India, fashioned in sand of three or four different colours. The Indians, who spoke English very fluently, were always ready to explain what the map represented. Their tents were the tidiest in the camp, with blankets and packs very neatly folded and the ropes tied. These lithe and laughing Indians, swaying to the accompaniment of tom-toms, enthralled the crowds at the campfires with the famous Punjab marching song, Baba Lassi Da Koora. They presented a golden garland as a token of esteem to the chief leaders of the Scout Movement, including Lord Baden-Powell.
From Ceylon came a contingent of about 20 Scouts, bringing a replica of the Temple of the Tooth of Buddha at Kandy. They erected this near the entrance to their camp. Inside were copies of the original paintings that were in the real temple. The Cingalese Scouts gave an envelope containing tea to every scout at the Jamboree. On it was instructions for making, which, even when carefully carried out, did not produce a brew different from the ordinary tea. They also distributed postcards on which were scenes of Ceylon, with Cingalese woggles for the commissioners. At a campfire the Cingalese, dressed in scarlet (with resplendent breastplates), gave a display of barbaric sword dancing. They finished with a fishing song and after hauling on a rope they landed an enormous catch.
Fiji was represented by a very small contingent - all broad, smiling young men. They spoke English well, but seemed much happier when speaking or singing in their own language. They brought with them two small wooden drums, which not so long ago had been used to call tribes together for war.
Twelve Lone Scouts came from Nauru. They had never seen more people than about one thousand gathered together at once, and were overawed at the spectacle of the huge Jamboree crowds. They looked very quaint in their scarlet sarongs edged with white, and white shirts. Like the Fijians, they had bare feet. They were delighted at seeing Lord Baden-Powell, the Chief Scout. They gave an action song for their display in the main arena, and although they were frightened of the microphone at first, they speedily became accustomed to it.
The Malayan Scouts were overjoyed when Sir Isaac Isaacs allowed one of them to take him for a ride in their rickshaw.
Walking around the camp, the Governor-General remarked to one of these happy scouts that the contents of the billy the boy had taken from the fire seemed very appetising. To his amusement, the boy, without looking up, replied - "Too right! Like a taste?"
"Their colourful display in the main arena showed the street life in Malaya, with stalls and their owners and customers buying articles from them. One of the 'rich' people was wheeled in the rickshaw.
"The French Scouts and their camp proved a source of interest. After they had charmingly sung "Frere Jacques" - a simple round the whole of the scouts broke into song with them. They also taught us a rollicking round, "Fiston, Fiston".
There were only two representatives from Hungary. The Leader, Dr de Molnar, who presented a striking figure with his feathered hat and monocle, was attending his third Jamboree. When Lord Baden-Powell questioned him as to how long he had been in the Scout Movement, he quietly replied, "Only twenty-two years, sir." Before they left Frankston Dr de Molnar and his mate, Charles de Haruszty, the only representatives of a former enemy country attending the Jamboree, placed a wreath on the Soldiers' Memorial.
"The Jamboree was altogether a wonderful experience, both for visitors and participants, and we are wondering if Frankston will see another Jamboree in our lifetime.
The Jamboree Hikes & the Rover Moot — Don Charlwood
The personal diary of a 19 year-old Rover who grew up in Frankston, and subsequently became an eminent author.
Don Charlwood:
Don Charlwood was born in Hawthorn, Victoria, in 1915 and moved with his parents to Frankston in 1923. He was invested into the 1st Frankston troop in 1927, but transferred soon after to 2nd Frankston, "Church of St. Paul."
Unable to get employment during the economic depression, he accepted an invitation to work during the shearing and harvesting of 1934 on a relation's property at Nareen in western Victoria. This move led him to transfer to the 1st Victorian Lone Rovers.
Fortunately Don was able to attend the Jamboree and camp with his Frankston friends. Don had two articles published in the Jamboree Daily: This is Frankston, 28 December was followed by Frankston Boys View The Changing Scene, included in the next day's edition.
Don is the author of eleven books including No Moon Tonight (1956), based on his experience with World War II Bomber Command, and All the Green Year (1965), which has been drawn from his boyhood experiences in Frankston. Don's books are still in print.
Sunday 6th January: This morning the sky was still overcast, and at about 10 o'clock I went by bus up to the site. I picked up my tent, which had been drying in the dining shelter, & also my cape-groundsheet & then departed for hike rations, leaving my old camp knife among the missing.
Outside a big marquee were the hundreds of boys who were either game, mad, mugs, or foolhardy enough to go on the hikes. (I am writing this after the hikes, so I know what I'm saying). I stood with Les Bartlett & Ian Hay among a strange group of fellows that composed our party. I heard them give their names to a fine looking Rover - our leader - & as they gave names I wondered if we would be such strangers at the end of four short days.
We were given about 12 pounds of rations each, which was a last straw to our packs. I suppose we now had in the region of 35 pounds each. At about midday we upped packs, & started for the station. I found that walk hard enough & wondered over what was to come. Anyway, we got to the station, & caught a special train to Lilydale via Flinders Street.
At Lilydale we changed into a steam train - now quite acquainted with one another. Our party & another went right on to Warburton. The Yarra was flooded, & looked unpleasant. At Warburton we were taken 5 miles to our night camping spot at Braham's Creek - where it joins the Yarra.
The trip was made in a big parlour car. We passed through the little Warburton township and just outside the town, we could see the devastating work done by the recent floods. In places the road was unsafe. We joined the Woods Point Road (after buying films & chocolates in Warburton) & saw a sign saying that we travelled on this road at our own risk. At a rickety looking bridge was another notice which said that the bridge was unsafe for heavy loads and our bus, with forty boys, was certainly heavy. We got across safely.
Braham's Creek is a really beautiful spot for a camp, & hike tents arose everywhere while wood crackled & smoke curled lazily among the trees. Laughter & talking echoed about, & the deep note of the turbid Yarra chimed in occasionally. We were on the eve of a big adventure.
Ian Hay & I decided to share my tent, whilst Les Bartlett had to sleep out on the remains of some previous camper's bush bed - wire netting. Our patrol was ideal, for we had 3 very fine, & very experienced, Fullarton Rovers from South Australia. I was pleased to notice that they sang in harmony, & one kept breaking out with, "I am a pirate king, and it is, it is a glorious thing to be a pirate king". We had a campfire, & after a moment for silent prayer we went off to bed on very damp ground - of course we were well protected by my ground sheet.
Monday 7th January: We were astir this morning at 6-30, & by 8-30 there was not a sign that there had been a camp; everything was on our backs. We had washed in the swirling old Yarra, & after a prayer round the ashes of last night's fire our party of forty divided into two - we twenty were no. 6.
In charge of us all was Ian Lillie. Second to him was Lindsay Collins, whip of the party. The former wore a red arm-band with the number I on it in green; & the latter had a similar number II. Next came Allan Doery, who carried the general ambulance kit - a big extra weight. He wore a number III on his arm.
We were divided into 3 patrols, the Bogongs, Baw Baws & the Buffaloes. Our patrol was the first named, & was headed by Cecil Lapthorne of 1st Fullarton Rovers. He in turn chose a second - Mervyn Hall I think - also of Fullarton Rovers. I was made whip of the patrol. The other members were John Potter, of 1st Fullarton Rovers, & Ian & Les.
Off we went at a good pace. We climbed about 2000 feet in under two miles. Figures can't convey what an effort it was for us chaps, who were out of training. We passed through very ordinary forest country, along a firebreak. We went between tall bracken. We had a couple of fine views of timbered mountains, but little energy to admire them. Soon after 11-00 we halted for 2 hours at an old deserted mill. I took off my boots and sox during dinner. Just as we finished another party passed us. They had the two South Africans among them, & also a couple of English boys.
The afternoon's walk was certainly easier; but most of it was spent in recovering from the morning's climb. We passed through very pretty country with wonderful fern gullies, & now there was plenty of conversation between us. We struck a snake, which was speedily despatched. During a rest along a timber line, a timber tram (a queer looking contraption) passed us. It was on its way from Warburton to Starvation Creek & was loaded with stores, passengers, both male & female - some of the latter with young children in arms. They were almost pioneers.
Soon after that meeting we turned to our right, down a steep, long disused timber line, which finally brought us to our night's camping place - another old deserted mill. Les, Ian & I were going to sleep out; but finally decided on a disused hut. There was a very pretty creek close by, and we had a good tea. There was plenty of sawn & unwanted timber for a campfire, & although tired we had a good evening.
Lindsay Collins taught us a negro spiritual - "Oh! The debil am mad", and the Fullarton Rovers sang perfectly in harmony - a real treat. "Tipperary", "A Long Long Trail" and many others echoed over the darkened forest, & then we closed with the first verse of "Abide with Me", followed by prayers, & a silence for "private devotion". It was all very simple & impressive, & soon after we slept on the bracken-softened floor of the old hut, a fire glowing in the fireplace.
Tuesday 8th January: Today, as far as scenery was concerned, was a treat. We joined up with our same old timber track, passed Mt. Bride on our right; & then crossed Big Pat's' Creek by a log, & turned sharp left by a couple of houses - I don't know whose they could have been, miles from anywhere. We were close to Big Pat's Creek for some time, & then stopped where it swung close to the line. Here we drank, killed a snake, & - above all - rested. We kept on through deep alleys of undergrowth and trees, passing here a man clearing undergrowth, & soon after, a tall viaduct. On the viaduct we rested, high above the valley where the undergrowth had been thinned out, apparently as a firebreak. With our packs as pillows we lay flat out & said little, until Ian Lillie broke in with his usual, "Packs up boys", from which there was no escape.
For lunch we halted at a very pretty, and apparently nameless creek. We fed on pork German & hard bread biscuits. Hard bread biscuits had many remarks passed about them. "Hard" was right, but where "bread" and "biscuits" came in was hard to fathom. However, we soon acquired a taste for them & ate them with relish - we'd have eaten anything I think - even though we'd thrown them at one another on the first day in the train.
This afternoon we struck another very stiff climb. After dinner we entered a tunnel of bracken fern and other undergrowth, and walked along ancient timber lines. For quite a long while we walked in a cutting, with dank earthen walls close on each side &, for some time, a creek gushed straight down our pathway. Somehow we all felt very vigorous, & so good progress was made, although much of the time the man in front of one was obscured by thick bracken. We halted where our pathway joined another, by a pretty little creek. It was an interesting spot. Our track came out of the bracken & joined the other path at a sharp angle. The joined paths went on into the bush in a mysterious sort of way.
We downed packs, & walked through very thick undergrowth to an old viaduct. We were the first people through there for many, many years, & the wood of the viaduct was very rotten. It spanned a deep valley, lined with tree ferns, and then went on into the bush as mysteriously as ever, as if daring one to follow. It was rather awe-inspiring. Close by were whitened trunks, nearly 250 feet high - one expected to see "IN MEMORY OF SIR MOUNTAIN ASH" engraved on their ancient sides; but they just stood there whilst the sky hurried over them, & the bush life went on around them as it has done for centuries.
We returned to our packs, & began a very stiff climb along a valley side. We clambered laboriously over some huge fallen trunks, & then, gaining the head of the valley side, turned to the left, & came upon a deserted mill. Judging by various signs, another hike party had camped there the previous night. We descended into a valley & here rested, drank & ate precious chocolate.
After this rest we were doomed for the stiffest pinch of the whole trip - Mt. Myrtalia. Our hearts bumped our ribs all the way up; muscles groaned; and lungs heaved painfully; and oh! our backs with those devilish packs. The lid dropped off Ian Hay's billy on the way up, & I picked it up. He turned round with a very drawn look on his face, "Gee boy, I'm just about all in", he panted. I was obliged to smile as though it was all great fun; but my effort must have looked almost as frightful as I felt. That big devil of an Ian Lillie must have had the strength of a draught horse, but at last he called a halt.
There wasn't a word; we just flopped down, under a towering mountain ash. It was a wonderful tree; but I took little notice of it - or anything else - for a time; but after a while Cecil's voice woke us. There was only one song he could sing in such a spot, & it sounded indescribable - "Trees." It seemed to pull everybody together, & we soon gained the mountain top & then relaxed, & swung easily into beautiful fern gullies & came to quite the prettiest spot of the trip.
We filled our billies, as water would be hard to get at our camp site - we were to camp at an old deserted guest house, Orchard's, about ¼ mile further on. We didn't take long to reach the old house, & it certainly looked weird. The forest behind it was like a solid semi-circular wall, & already looked lonely & dark in the evening sun. The house looked a substantial place, & everyone rushed in for rooms, but I finally decided to pitch my tent, & leave my pack inside. Most of the chaps pitched their tents, although a few slept inside. We had our usual good campfire after tea, & the Fullarton Rovers treated us to many Gilbert & Sullivan songs. "I am a Pirate King" seemed to be their favourite, & it will always remind me of the hike. As usual we closed at 9.30 with prayers, & then went off to bed at 9-50.
I forgot to record that I went down to the creek from Orchard's & it was certainly a precipitous climb. In the deeps of the valley it seemed sad, & inestimably lonely; & the creek whispered along as if fearing to disturb the rotting undergrowth. Surely this was the abode of Milton's melancholy from Il Penseroso. Ancient tree ferns were rooted in loose brown soil, composed of thousands of years of rotted leaves, & far overhead a wind stirred the leaves to a sound like distant sea. Presently rain came pattering quietly on the leaves, a melancholy rain. I suddenly realised that I wanted to get out of the gloom.
The weather seemed to bode ill for us, & all night I slept lightly, fearing that the wind would tear up my little tent. I would hear it roaring in the depths of the forest & coming closer & closer, till my tent bellied out madly. Had the wind remained where it was when I pitched the tent, things would not have been so bad; anyway, I wasn't blown away.
Wednesday 9th January: I spent most of last night in semi-sleep, & at 6-50 this morning down came rain. In a few jiffies I had my tent down, & drying inside. Plenty of barrack came from Ian, & Les who had slept inside - "knowing what the weather was going to be like." I had enough of their barrack whilst camping with them to do me for many a day; but they are good chaps. As Les says, "Having rows makes a camp", & the Fullarton Rovers were always rowing, in a way that looked quite serious till one got to know them.
We were delayed a long time at Orchard's in the hope that the dismal rain would clear up; but there seemed little hope of it doing so. We cooked our breakfast at various fire places, & had prayers in the big lounge, with its leaf strewn floor, & broken windows. (All night we had heard the ghost-like banging of doors). We were all dressed in preparation for rough weather, & we certainly looked a motley lot. Jim French from the Mallee was dressed like an Arab, with a band from his pack passing over his forehead. I'll bet his head ached. Les had risked coming without a waterproof, but he had a chaff bag over his pack-laden shoulders. I was fixed up perfectly - to my own mind at any rate. I had my sox rolled right down & my shorts right up, & over my shoulders & pack was my cape ground sheet. The pack lent it sufficient pitch to throw off buckets of water, & I even had room beneath it to use my thumbstick. As there appeared to be little chance of the weather breaking, we filed down the few rickety steps & left Orchard's to its lonely forest. It was exhilarating walking in the misty rain, & we joined up with another timber line.
Somewhere on our right we saw, away down in a valley, a deserted hotel, and somewhere else a mill was working far below. John Potter, who was just in front of me, began singing - "a song about a clock". It sounded perfect; each word was distinct in the sharp mountain air, & we swung along silently. The last words rang out, clear as ever, "earn God's well done;" and then the only sound was the clump, clump of our boots on the sleepers.
The Fullarton Rovers were the life of the party. Soon after John's song, the shoulder strap of my pack slipped from its buckle, & I was held up for a few minutes - Lindsay Collins waiting with me. The party had a good lead, & unknown to us, they left the timber line & followed a parallel road. On noticing that their tracks had ceased we cut up to the road, & found that we had gained on them, & so walked back a short way & waited - we could see them resting a little further back, & hailed them. By now it had become quite fine, & here we definitely discarded our waterproofs. A short distance along this road brought us to a shed by the timber line; there we downed our packs & had lunch. I went to a creek to have a shave, forgetting soap & a mirror; & finishing up with a very rough attempt.
We were now due for the climax of the hike; for about 1½ miles further on was one store and a house or two, named Gladysdale. We each had about 10 shillings to spend, & all longed for some real food, so the pace to Gladysdale was a cracker. The Baw Baws, I think, led; & then came we Bogongs, followed, of course, by the Buffaloes. We had to keep our respective places, but it was a job for Ian (Lillie) to control the chaps. We burst into Gladysdale, & here is what Ian, Les & I bought - either between us, or personally: 1 tin sliced pineapple; 1 tin sliced peaches; 2 large blocks of chocolate; 1 smaller block of chocolate; 3 bottles of soft drink; a packet of luncheon wafers; & some dried apricots. We called a long halt, & positively hogged ourselves. The toss determined I would carry the sliced peaches & Les the pineapple - it was extra weight, but it was worth it.
We set off at a very hot pace led by Cecil & the other South Australians. I managed to keep up to the leaders, & by now I was wearing my fly net. About an hour's fast walking brought us to Lloyd's mill - a working mill - close to which we were to camp. There was time for an additional bit of packless walking, & we climbed a high valley side, & then descended to the mill & watched it working. Circular saw working of course was no novelty to me; but the types of men were interesting. There was one silent creature, with dank wisps of hair about his neck, & a bird-like nose. I would not have been surprised to hear him utter animal-like noises in place of human speech; but he only wheeled a tremendous barrow, with an expression like a hunted but faithful dog - not a very highly bred dog.
At knock off time we left the mill, & walked back about 200 yards to our camp. The cooked mutton I had been carrying was stinking; & Les discovered it to be inhabited as well, but for us hungry hikers it made good stew. The sliced pineapple was delicious & we couldn't resist eating the peaches too. We didn't stop there, but ate the dried apricots & afternoon tea wafers; so bang went all our luxuries at once.
Near us John Potter had a fire going & was preparing fish patties. He must have been right on the homeward track of one of the mill's draught horses; the horse came through John's small fire with a clop of its great hoof & put out the fire.
Ian, Les & I decided to sleep on a sloping piece of ground with our heads towards a log & my tent spread over us. The Fullartons pitched their tents close by.
I forgot to mention that a Rover called for our hike mail each evening; but as I was out of stamps, I only sent one letter.
Tonight it was my turn to build our patrol camp fire; others were supposed to help. Anyway I found the skeleton of an old hut, so down it all came, bark roof & everything; plus a coolgardie safe. It made a wonderful fire; with extra logs thrown on too.
As usual we had a very successful fire - our last one together - & we stood in concluding silence for the last time, the creek murmuring in the distance & a beautiful night close about us. The best item was John Potter's rendering of "The Seven Veils".
Thursday 10th January: This morning we got started earlier than usual, as two girls from a neighbouring farm were waiting to guide us to an orchard. Cec soon hopped ahead of Ian (Lillie), & set a hard pace after the girls. I kept well up although I wasn't up to yesterday's standard. Quite suddenly the girls turned up a hill to our right, & on the left was an orchard. "Is this the place?" Cec called out. Evidently they misunderstood him, for they answered "yes". In we all piled, & although only cherry plums were ripe, we fed well. I soon get weary of cherry plums so came out. The rest were ordered out by a girl with a pea rifle! They were in the wrong orchard!
We passed through some very tall timber, & very pretty country. We halted for a while at a working mill. Some hung back to watch a tree felled. Not long after we passed an old deserted house that the millers had adopted, & here we took some lemons from a few trees. After a fairly stiff walk, during which we met another party, we halted at a deserted mill for our last meal together.
For the last time we joked over, & ate our hard bread biscuits, & went down to our last pretty creek to drink - it was the prettiest, I thought, of them all.
Giving the other group a start, we set off for Gilwell. We had not gone very far when Ian Lillie & the leading patrol got too far ahead of we others; so Lindsay Collins came in front to lead us. He cut across country with us, knowing that if he kept going he'd strike a known timber track. It was a stiff walk, through country quite different from the rest we had passed. It was like bayside scrub-land, with more sugar gums and stringy barks & also prickly undergrowth. It was all rooted in gravelly red earth. The sun was unpleasantly hot, & the flies were a fair devil - luckily I had my net. Anyway we caught up to the rest of the group, & after a short rest we set off on the last lap.
We finished on one of our familiar old timber tracks, amid quite pretty scenery, & before entering Gilwell we polished ourselves up. We were supposed to have entered singing "My dog biscuit lies over the ocean" but it fizzled out, & the Fullartons struck up one of their old familiars: "We come from sunny South Aussie".
I was disappointed with Gilwell - I expected more of the tree fern style country. Anyway, we passed the lodge gates & were directed to our camping place. It was rough looking ground.
We sped straight off to the Gilwell pool for a swim. It's a huge pool; but it was freezing & pretty dirty in the water, though of course it was very refreshing.
Just after I left the water I saw B.-P. coming along with Hoadley. B.-P. looked very old; but of course the spirit of him is young. He carried a movie camera, & took photos of some of the boys in swimming. We returned to our camp soon after he left, & dressed. We made a trip to the lodge where Les & Ian had their hat-bands fire branded with a hike badge. As my band is narrow I bought a metal badge. Jamir Modu, ("Jamusy") the popular 51st Bombay Rover was assisting on this job.
We returned to camp, & were given our substantial rations - chops, steak, sliced apricots, bread etc. We ate all our cookable meat for tea, & kept a tin of salmon for tomorrow's breakfast. We decided on not using the tent tonight & just after dark we left for the big final campfire.
We took our places, & watched the entrance of the various hike parties before B.-P. Most of them shouted war cries, or sang songs about dog biscuits. One crowd's war cry was the fast repetition of "maggotty meat, maggotty meat". When everyone was seated Mr. Hoadley announced that he wanted it to be a free & easy, hilarious night that we would remember for the rest of our lives. We certainly should. We shared log seats with our hike parties. The night opened with the singing of "John Brown's Body". A thousand voices, most of them lusty-lunged hikers, sounded marvellous. "John Brown's Body" has surely never sounded so stirring.
It was thrilling, many of the hike parties gave items. Every item was splendid, & many flashlight photos were taken. Opposite the fire from me sat B.-P. on a leopard skin throne, his daughters at his feet. The climax came when three Indian boys – two of them bearded sikhs - gave a song. Suddenly they broke into their, & now our, familiar Jamboree song:
"Pi gy á ba-ba las-si dá Ka-to-ra,
Pi gy á ba-ba las-si dá Ka-to-ra,
Lassi da Ka-to-ra, ba-ba, las-si dá ka-to-ra,
Lassi da Ka-to-ra, ba-ba, las-si dá ka-to-ra."
The fascinating chant was taken up immediately by boys of every nation, each one clapping hands to keep time. It swept back memories of our first sight of the Indians; of learning to know them & hearing their song, then learning it; and many miscellaneous memories of the last happy fortnight. The song died on the dewy night air, & we all seemed to realise how significant it was of international brotherhood.
Not long after this the Chief made his speech. It was inspiring. He told us that this was the best Jamboree he had been to, & he had been to them all. The best, he said, because of the brotherly spirit that prevailed. Before leaving he called for three cheers for His Majesty the King, & then the boys spontaneously cheered the Chief himself. He left the campfire behind him & walked over the hill. It was very sad. Archie Longden started up on "Will ye nae come back again?" It was sadder than ever, for in his speech B.-P. said that he supposed it would be his very last Jamboree.
Soon, however, we sought our camps again, a merry, laughing crowd. It was about 10-30 when we found our spot, & 11-10 when we retired. As reveille was at 4-30, & we wanted a good sleep, we piled on a big fire, & wrapped ourselves in our blankets beside it. As heavy dew was falling, I covered myself with my tent; but Les & Ian couldn't escape a wetting. Just as I was dozing off I heard Cec Lapthorne call out. "So long you Frankston chaps", but I thought he was fooling, & being sleepy I just slept.
Friday 11th January: At 4.30 this morning, perhaps nearer 4.45, there was much shouting, Ian Lillie, & Laurie Christie picked up Les, in his sleeping bag, & tipped him out. By that time I had hopped out already. Sure enough Cec had caught a night bus for Frankston, & was leaving for S.A. today. After our usual break-camp jobs, it was time to leave - 6-30, & so off we went in our old group. I walked to Gembrook with the two remaining Fullartons & we dropped a fair way behind the others. The road was one long stream of hikers, & the walk was none too pleasant in my estimation. At last we reached Gembrook & had to say goodbyes to the interstate boys who left at 8-30. (It was 4 miles from Gilwell to Gembrook, I forgot to mention). It was a sad parting, but I have some addresses of different favourites.
The narrow gauge train was composed of compartments like miniature cattle trucks, & after soft drinks in the township, off we went, home bound. It was then 8-50. Dr. de Molnar, some Indians & I think some United Kingdomites, were in our cattle truck. It was a humorous two-hour trip. The train was drawn by a queer creature of an engine that looked like a panting mouse scurrying backwards. Les & Ian rode most of the way on the outside step - picking up flowers by the rail side. I saw one chap's singlet hanging out the window to dry. We passed through Belgrave, close to old Sherbrooke forest.
Dave Boyd left the train at Tecoma where his people are staying. The train was going at its normal speed; or not far off it, when he hopped off. One chap fell off somewhere, or jumped off, & as he couldn't catch the train as easily as he thought, it pulled up for him. At Ferntree Gully we changed into an electric special to Frankston, & travelled 1st class - scarcely a second class carriage was occupied. At Flinders Street, a crowd of boys joined hands & sang "Auld Lang Syne." On the way to Frankston we all felt sleepy and several of us slept soundly. At Frankston we tramped off home.
Saturday 12th January: Naturally enough I didn't rise until 10-00. I was soon back into my uniform & off to the Rover Moot. It was held in the old H.Q. buildings, & B.-P. opened proceedings & handed the Chair (not literally) to Lt. Col. Granville Walton. He is the Imperial H.Q. Commissioner for Rovers, & a very big man - in all ways I believe. He opened the Moot in a very breezy & decisive way. De Saram, Chief Commissioner for Ceylon, sketched Rovering in his country. There were speakers from many other countries: India (Com. Hogg, Hungary (Dr. de Molnar), Malaya, Belgium, South Africa, & Canada. A Queenslander read a paper on "The Meaning of Rover Service".
Les & Ian were camped for the Moot. I was given a ride into Frankston on the back of a Rover's motor bike. Many of them at the Jamboree had motor bikes, & they were certainly speedsters - "those mad Rovers", was often said in pitying tones by onlookers. This chap certainly travelled some. (I mused for sometime over trying to get to Sweden for a Rover Moot in 1936, then going on to England). It would be a good year in England for the King's Silver Jubilee. I want to hike (or bike) round England - a part of both preferably - & write a book some day.
Sunday 13th January: Up at 8-00, & left by bike at 9-55 with a neighbour, Geo. who was dinking me. We had a very fine Scouts Own. The singing of the assembled Rovers was magnificent.
It was noticeable that everything was from the Old Testament, & the address was given by a fine looking & well known Jewish Rabbi, Rev J. Danglow M.A. It was an excellent address. "Rovering helps to make a finer churchman, & the church a finer Rover" he said - or similar words.
I was sorry when the service was over; but we had more interesting talks from various countries. After a tedious sitting (on the floor) we broke off for dinner. Geo. & I rode home, & on the way our fixed wheel bike practically got out of control on the hill down from the Jamboree site. After dinner we rode back, & were a little late. However we heard B.-P.'s farewell speech.
It was splendid; but towards the close he was very close to breaking down. "God speed you all in your efforts" were, I think, his last words. We all joined hands, & sang "Auld Lang Syne". I was next to Mr Game during the singing - I think he's General Secretary in Britain. Then we all trooped outside. There were many exchanges of addresses, & many, many goodbyes.
The hike leaders filed before B.-P. My last glimpse of B.-P. was through the back of his Rolls - just his face & waving hand. I do hope I'll see him again. It is a pity he can't live much longer; but I bet there will be plenty of his old friends in the next life, & plenty of Scouts too.
I walked round the old camps for the last time. They looked so sad & lonely in their quietness. We climbed the old tower, & lo the canvas city was gone - gone all over Australia, & far overseas. Goodbye for ever I suppose. Oh well, Lindsay Collins was with me. We went to our Indians, & the county presented them with our Union Jack. Goodbye India. I saw the South Africans & a Canadian packing up too. There was nothing to do now, but leave camp for the last time. On the way out I ordered some photos from the camp photographer. One is of this morning's group.
We went on home, this time for good. Our dream is all over - & it happened in Frankston!
The Council
The support and assistance of The Frankston and Hastings Shire Council has been well documented. Lord Baden-Powell, himself, when making his first site inspection, asked the State President, Colonel Harold Cohen, to convey to the Council his appreciation of the site; the Frankston Councilors in recommending the campsite at Frankston had, he felt, shown foresight. "In my opinion" he said, "it is the nearest approach to an ideal jamboree ground that I have yet seen" (Frankston and Somerville Standard, 4th January, 1935).
Those who attended the Jamboree, were to enjoy this magnificent location. Yet for Council, choosing the site was just the beginning. The Victorian Scout, March, 1934, reads as follows: "One factor that is greatly helping is the magnificent co-operation and generosity of the Frankston and Hastings Council. They are giving us a very great deal. The Council is preparing and fencing the site, bringing in water and electric light, making the roads to the camp, arranging sanitary services and attending to several other major matters. This alone accounts for the reduced fees compared with other Jamborees. We are and should be eternally grateful for such magnificent support".
Photo Gallery
Not Even the President Could Crash The Gate!
A Rolls Royce drew up at the Overport Gates yesterday afternoon. It had the official Jamboree pennant on the radiator cap; indeed, it was the car of the President (Colonel Harold Cohen, M.L.C.). But it was refused admission!
The trouble was that the President did not have a pass for his car, and the Rovers on duty knew their duty well. No car without a pass must go through. So in spite of protestations, the President had to leave his car and hike the rest of the way. But he has a pass now - all nicely signed by the Jamboree Organising Secretary.
-The Jamboree Daily, 28th December, 1934
Boomerang Throwing
The throwing of boomerangs in camp, except on the arena during rehearsals for displays in charge of a Scouter, is strictly prohibited...
-The Jamboree Daily, 29th December, 1934
… This was the first, and probably will be, at least for many years, the only New Year Jamboree.
At midnight there was a cacophony of sound. The camp siren, "big bertha", motor horns, steam whistles, tom-toms, musical instruments of all the world, and the lungs of all the world, joined in to greet the coming-in of another year. And men and boys everywhere throughout the camp shook hands and cheered, and wished each other the happiness that all felt. The sentiment was understood whether the tongue in which it was uttered was known or not.
Rockets clove the midnight sky from the direction of No. 5 sub-camp, and the flashing of torches added a picturesque touch.
-The Jamboree Daily, 2nd January, 1935
…A surprisingly large gathering of Gilwellians assembled on the arena yesterday morning (2nd January) …Proceedings were entirely informal, and, apart from the World Chief's address, resolved themselves into groups, recalling memories and exchanging reminiscences.
On the suggestion of an Indian Scouter, a cable was sent to Gilwell Park, England, and all present most enthusiastically contributed one penny each to defray the cost.
At 12 noon yesterday, the message was duly dispatched by beam wireless, and read: "Three hundred Gilwellians met, reunion, Australian Jamboree, Frankston, send happiest brotherly greetings."
-The Jamboree Daily, 3rd January, 1935
The Chief Guide (Lady Baden-Powell) yesterday delivered to the Guides a message from Princess Mary, their Patroness. It read:
"I am anxious to send through the Chief Guide a message to the Guides and Brownies of the countries she is visiting. I follow the news of your progress with the deepest interest and wish the Movement and all its members prosperity and happiness. May Guiding ever grow and flourish in your country and act as an incentive in your lives to spread the spirit of service and fellowship around you."
-The Jamboree Daily, 2nd January, 1935
The bushfire alarm was given in Frankston town yesterday. But it was only the dust that came from the arena.
-The Jamboree Daily, 2nd January, 1935
The special message from His Majesty the King, sent to inspire us here at Frankston, and which was delivered by His Excellency the Governor-General on Saturday at the official opening, is to be left with each of us in a form that can be treasured.
The World Chief Scout has most generously ordered that the message be printed at his expense, and a copy given to every member of the Jamboree camp. The printing has now been put in hand, and copies should be available for distribution through the sub-camps before we begin to disperse.
The Jamboree Daily, 3rd January, 1935
Lena Failed to Leap
Leaving behind it a thick trail of oil, "Leaping Lena" rattled and roared its way down the road to the beach late yesterday afternoon, scattering Scouts and raising clouds of dust and stones as her battered body careered onward. She was packed to the gunwale with late bathers, and disaster seemed inevitable. It was! Lena failed to leap soon enough when she entered the straight, for, keeping to the rails, she crashed into the second post and came to a dead stop. Slight cuts to a running-board passenger and a very bent post were the only casualties, and, with a jerk and a gasp, Lena pressed onward through the crush of Scouts.
-The Jamboree Daily, 4th January, 1935
Chief Scout's Horse Wears a Lanyard
Tasmania has discovered that even the Chief Scout's horse is a Scout. Noticing the halter round the neck of the Chief's mount during the inspection of No. 4 Sub-camp yesterday, a small Tasmanian exclaimed: "Gee, look at the lanyard. The horse is a real Scout too!"
-The Jamboree Daily, 4th January, 1935
During the Jamboree, the Guides from the 1st Wannon Mounted Company (Victoria) provided and cared for the five horses which were used by Lord Baden Powell and his family.
From a Flicker to a Flame by Honor Darling & Margaret Coleman, 1989
Lord Baden-Powell visited the Western Australian contingent and was introduced to three Rovers who had cycled the 2368 miles from their home town in the West to attend the Jamboree. B.P. expressed his delight at the opportunity so presented to meet these tough chaps and shake their hands.
-The Jamboree Daily, 5th January, 1935
Two Rovers on Trip Round the World
Two of The most popular members of the Jamboree camp are the South African Rover Scouts, R. Williams and R.S. Burnard who are on a round-the-world-trip, and Australia is their first port of call. They expect to take five years on their journey, working their way as they go.
They left their homes on October 14, and travelled for 1000 miles by train in South Africa before reaching the coast, when they travelled 800 miles along the shore in a small boat.
Then they joined a cargo vessel and sailed for Sydney - a distance of 6000 miles. From there the two South Africans cycled the remaining 800 miles to the Jamboree.
-The Jamboree Daily, 5th January, 1935
Real Scout Camps
Scouts at the Jamboree are not camping in their usual fashion. Even on a 300 acre field there is not room for such a large assembly to arrange their sites in normal fashion. Besides, a Jamboree is an unusual occasion, at which the various contingents arrange their camps with decorations symbolic of their homes, and all bunched up together so that their occupants may have opportunities of mingling and getting to know one another.
But in order that Jamboree visitors may see real Scout camping, model camps have been established in various parts of the ground. These camps have been set up by the following groups:-
Sub camp 4K - 9th Malvern; 3H - 3rd Prahran (Wesley College); 1H - 1st Gardenvale; 2H - 1st Scotch College; 3F - 1st Hampton; 4D - 1st Albert Park; 1S - 1st Toorak.
The 9th Malvern Group was winner of last year's competition for the Cohen Shield - the blue riband of good camping in Victoria.
-The Australian Boy Scout Jamboree Sole Official Programme
Model of Boy Scout to be presented to Lord Baden-Powell
The model of a Boy Scout which was made by Mr. Paul Montford and presented to the Mornington County Scout Council for erection in its section at the Jamboree was so much admired by the World Chief Scout (Lord Baden-Powell) that the Jamboree Council resolved to have a replica made. This has been prepared and will be presented to Lord Baden-Powell by the President of the Victorian Scout's Association. (Col. Cohen, MLC). He will also present another model to the Boy Scouts Association.
-The Frankston & Somerville Standard, Friday 11th January, 1935
The Jamboree Site and Environment
With the passage of time, the Jamboree site has become part of suburban Melbourne. However, some evidence of this historic event remains. For those visiting the area, Melways directory references are included in parenthesis.
1. Corner of Overport Road and Yuille Street (102D6) is the location of the main Jamboree gateway. The large eucalypts sited in the gardens of 2, 12 and 12A Overport Road are believed to have been planted alongside the main entrance prior to the commencement of the Jamboree.
2. Pratt Reserve - South corner of Yuille Street and Pratt Avenue (102C7). This was the site of the Playing Field.
3. Frankston Jamboree Park is located at the end of The Heights, off The Spur (102C6). This amphitheatre, was the site of the main campfire hollow. The area is surrounded on three sides by steep rises - six to eight metres in height.
The hollow was set up with a platform and flood-lights. Public admission was available on numerous occasions during the Jamboree. One such occasion was the evening of Thursday, 3rd January, 1935. The following extract, taken from The Herald, 4th January, 1935, describes the atmosphere at one of these gatherings.
"FRANKSTON. Friday -Ten thousand Scouts and hundreds of public visitors were virtually carried across the seas to many countries last night. They spent a few moments on the peaceful little island of Nauru, they were lulled by the twanging guitars of sunny Fiji, and their pulses throbbed to the bizarre chants of white-robed Indian natives.
New Zealand had them for a moment for a flesh-creeping haka, by which Te Rasparaha, the famous old chief, led his Ngatiawa tribe to war, and then they travelled over the green seas to the rhythm of the sailors' hornpipe.
All this happened in the Jamboree camp's great amphitheatre, where the ceiling was the stars on a dewy night and where a glowing camp fire sent up spirals of dazzling sparks.
The hearth extended for a quarter of a mile around. It was covered by a sea of young faces that showed, even in the pallid glare of the floodlights, the joy that the night was bringing them. And at this hearth sat Lord Baden-Powell. He sat there singing and clapping and cheering and laughing, a campfire blanket slung loosely about his shoulders.
Lady Baden-Powell joined in, and so did the Honorable Betty and the Honorable Heather Baden-Powell. They were nestled in blue blankets near their parents.
Torches held by thousands of hands showed the size of the multitude. The torches linked all around and up to the hillsides, where moving, cloaked figures were silhouetted against the skyline!"
4. A plaque commemorating this Jamboree was unveiled at Frankston Jamboree Park on March 14, 2004.
5. The house on the northern corner of the Range and Kars Street (102B6). During the Jamboree, this property was The Chief Scout's residence. Located near the top of the Kars Street hill, it commands magnificent views over the bay.
Left: Victorian Chief Commissioner, Mr C. A. Hoadley, and Lord Baden-Powell, at the Kars Street residence.
6. The low lying ground between The Spur & Jasper Terrace (102C6) was the Display Arena.
There were two large grandstands erected by the arena and, in addition, open-air seats for 7,000. The grandstand near Jasper Terrace was 190 feet long, and had seven tiers of seats. It held at least 1000 persons. The larger, erected at the other side of the oval, along the side of what is now the Spur, seated 1400.
Left: An aerial view of the Display Arena - the Opening Ceremony
7. Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre - Towerhill Road (102D7). A reunion was held at this venue on 17th November, 1984. The occasion marked the fifty-year anniversary of the 1934-35 Jamboree. In recognition of this event, a commemorative badge was produced and two bronze plaques struck. One of the plaques may be viewed at the Scout Heritage Centre, Como, and the other at the Police, Citizens and Youth Centre, Frankston.
8. A water-supply easement or pipetrack is accessible between Yuille Street and Poinciana Street (102C7-D8). At the Jamboree, this track, which traversed the site, was known as Sweetwater Road and Kiwi Street.
In order to increase pressure, water was pumped from the main into tanks with a capacity of 54,000 gallons and subsequently reticulated in two and a half miles of 4 inch and 6 inch mains, and one mile of two inch piping. These supplied 250 showers, 300 taps for washing purposes and 192 taps for cooking purposes.
9. Beauty Park (102C3). A civic reception was held in the park on the afternoon of Friday, 8th January. This function was held in honour of Lord Baden-Powell, Scout leaders and other distinguished guests. The World Chief Scout was accompanied by his daughters. The acting President of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings (Councillor Phillip Montague) received Lord Baden-Powell. A souvenir booklet of Frankston, bound in morocco leather, was presented to him. It contained a leaflet with a message which acknowledged Lord Baden-Powell's Scouting achievements and his contribution to world peace.
10. The grandstand at Frankston Park - corner Kars & High Streets (102C3) - was moved to this site after the Jamboree. However, in February 2008, it was burnt down. Thanks to the Heritage Centre, who had kept the original plans, the replacement grandstand was substantially influenced by the original design (see picture below). You may enter the football ground from High Street, opposite the Uniting Church. The new grandstand is immediately on your right.
Street Names
A number of the local street names remind us of the Jamboree. Apart from the obvious, Baden Powell Drive (102A9) and Jamboree Avenue (102C6), we have:
11.. Hoadley Avenue (102A6), named after the State Chief Commissioner, Mr. C.A. Hoadley.
12. Harcourt Avenue (102A7), named after the Jamboree organising Secretary, Major H.G. Harcourt.
13. Pratt Avenue, (102C7), named after Frankston Shire Councillor on the Jamboree Council, and honorary Scout Commissioner, Councillor J.L. Pratt.

The official Jamboree program

Eight issues of the Jamboree Daily were published
The Post Master General's Department provided the Jamboree Post Office with a Jamboree label for registered mail, and three different Jamboree cancellers. The letter above shows the label, and a Type 3 cancel. For more details click the image to visit Scouts on Stamps Society International

Certificate given to Rovers in appreciation of their service to the organisation and running of the Jamboree.

Newspaper advertisement just prior to Christmas 1934, promoting public attendance at the Jamboree

Souvenir medallion

Melbourne Centenary Jamboree pennant

Stickers issued to promote the Jamboree

Jamboree pennant
Acknowledgement and References
This website has been created for Frankston District Scouts by Ann & John Scholes. © Copyright Scholes 2002-2017
Ann Scholes, John Scholes – Research, text & editing
Richard Scholes, Alistair James, Sian Beadle – Website Production
Phillip Simpson – Technical Support
Special Thanks to:
The Victorian Scout Heritage Centre: Lillian Beard, & Jean Paterson. Rex Rippon, Barry Meyers & M.A.C. Stidston.
Scout Heritage Collection - material donated by Arch Drohan, David Hayes, Austin Marshall, S. Jensen, and Ivan Stevens
Frankston District Scouts: Russell Bradd, Sally Steward
Frankston City Council: Dianne Bowes, Carol Coaker & Bruce Melen
Frankston City Library
Frankston Historical Society: Pat Draper
Frankston High School
1st Mornington Scouts
Gilwell Park Warden: John Noke
Don Charlwood and the State Library of Victoria: Ken Cameron, Ern Hosking, Florrie Hosking, Dorothy Hosking, Mary Wheeler
SOSSI – R. S. Frank, Keith Larsen
Paper World – Colin Leitch
The Age
Australian Jamboree Programme
The Frankston and Somerville Standard
The Herald
The Jamboree Daily
The Jamboree in Australia, published by The Age
The Victorian Scout
Scouting Postal History of the 1930's by R.S. Frank
Frankston - Resort to City by Michael Jones
Ivan Stevens' scrapbook (held by the Victorian Scout Heritage Centre)
The scrapbook of Perc Hosking
The Diaries of Don Charlwood (held by the State Library of Victoria)
Optima Sempler Frankston High School, 1924-1994
From a Flicker to a Flame by Honor Darling & Margaret Coleman
To contribute to, or provide feedback on this website,
please contact Scouts Victoria Heritage Office or Mike Beadle (Group Leader for Baden Powell Park Scout Group)